Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome to "The World is Analog", 2nd generation

Hello Everyone,

Some of you may have been familiar with my earlier version of The World is Analog, which I created at in the summer of 2007. I ultimately had to shut down that blog for two reasons; the first being to focus my efforts toward my professional work at Analog Insights on the Synopsys Open Community site.

Second, I had discovered that an unscrupulous engineer had been ripping off the content from my RSS feed for a "splog". In fact he did that three times on WordPress and other locations, taking my posts and editing them by removing my name and replacing it with his. After repeatedly having the plagiarized posts removed I finally had his site taken down in accordance with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DCMA).

Now... "The World is Analog" is back! Hopefully, to stay for a very long time. I will continue to post articles from time to time at Analog Insights, but the focus there will be limited to the subject of analog/mixed-signal design verification. While my employment at Synopsys has ended, the company has wisely decided to keep Analog Insights alive, so that I can continue to communicate with the substantial subscriber base that has developed there. To my previous subscribers - welcome and please do subscribe here as well.

I will conclude this inaugural post by sharing a recent incident that shows just how true the title of this blog is. I was having my annual physical exam last week (and everything was fine), when the doctor asked if I had any questions or concerns. Well... I get occasional symptoms of gout, which as the Mayo Clinic describes it:
You wake up in the middle of the night, and our big toe feels as if it's on fire. It's hot, swollen and so tender that even the weight of a sheet on it seems intolerable. These problems could indicate an acute attack of gout — or gouty arthritis — a form of arthritis that's characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness and tenderness in joints.
Now, that's pretty aggravating - not to mention painful - especially for a guy like me who keeps himself in pretty good shape. I am baffled at not knowing exactly what causes these sometimes random attacks. So I asked the doctor for his advice. His response was that we don't really know, and that it can be pretty unpredictable. I half-jokingly said "that's not acceptable, I need to know".

His answer? He just smiled and said,

"Well, we aren't digital you know.. we're analog".

I couldn't have said it better myself!


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